Wednesday, October 17, 2012


fig.3 Be yourself
“I can admit it freely now. All my life I’ve been a patsy”. Many people find it difficult to assert themselves in interpersonal situations. When faced with a request they become anxious at the mere thought of putting the foot down and refusing to comply. According to Cialdini, being able to resist the pressure of compliance rests, first and foremost, on being vigilant. If a stranger hands you a gift and then launches into a sales pitch, you should recognize the tactic for what it is and not feel indebted by the norm of reciprocity. And if you strike a deal with a salesperson who later reneges on the terms, you should be aware that you're being thrown a low ball.

If you are making a business deal, and you have a price in mind, what is the tactic that you should use in order to make the bargain in mind?

Conformity. (2011). Retrieved on October 20 2012 from,

Kassin, S., & Fein, S., (2008). Social psychology. (7th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin


  1. Question:
    If you are making a business deal, and you have a price in mind, what is the tactic that you should use in order to make the bargain in mind?


    I would set my standards higher than needed so I can reduce it to the desired price and not look stubborn and unfriendly

  2. I would shower the other company representative with gifts and set standards a bit higher than what i have in mind.
